Radio Business Report: Television Business Report - Voice of the Broadcasting Industry Indy FM gets religion As commercian broadcast groups largely sit on the sidelines of station buying, non-commercial Christian music specialist Educational Media Foundation is gobbling up stations. The latest is a $6.3 million deal to buy WKLU-FM Indianapolis from Russ Oasis' Indy Radio. Oasis bought the standalone station of r $6.2 million in 2004, so it's not much of a price gain - but at least not a loss in the current depressed market. Oasis can now focus full time on his trio of FMs in Fort Wayne. Broker Mike Bergner told RBR/TVBR there is no LMA, so the Oldied format lives for at least a little while on 101.9 in Indy. The 4kw Class A is licened for Brownsburg, IN.